Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Another reason to look into this whole sweat shop issue

See blog posts below on my action of writing IBEX, a wool company from VT about their claim to being sustainable.  It is exciting to see how they are responding to my emails and how much I am learning.  The fact they are so transparent in their business practices and the things they are considering in making their clothes is awesome.
Of course IBEX is ridiculously pricey, so I have to wait for their yearly Columbus weekend tent sale to even consider affording their clothes, but the question does arise about my own behavior:
I have a closet FULL of clothes, and yet I want more.  I have enough jackets to laast me forever, and yet, when I see the newest come out, I am pretty excited to re-up and get rid of my old one.  I never throw anything away, I do donate them to goodwill or hand down to friends, BUT STILL , do I really need NEW NEW NEW???  I am also not a big shopper compared to other adults my age.  I maybe by 1 pair of pants a year, maybe 1 dress, and maybe 1 jacket...but the clothes i buy lasts, i need more?

The other thing is factory conditions.  As written below about the sweat shops, what major companies like LL Bean and Old Navy do as far as purchasing from factories who are NOT socially responsible at all, or ecologically responsible is horrible, and by me lining some rich CEO's pocket by buying the clothes, and perpetuating this type of abuse, I am partly responsible.
The BANGLADESH collapse of the building in 2013 was horrific!  over 1000 people died.  To make clothes for some clothing companies.  They knew the bilding was unsafe and yet they kept 1000's of people working in it making garments.
I will keep investigating this issue.

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